One event dominated 2008 for me. Duh. Normally I have lots of things going on during the year. This year not so much.
I was still settling in in Ferndale in January. The next 10 months were dominated by struggling to take care of mom's needs. In October she died. There's a lot I could write, but it's just too much.
Since October, here's what I've done: moved back home, been executing my mother's will, and started driving my grandparents around due to their ill health.
I do, however, want to thank a few people. This isn't a complete list. It's what comes to mind tonight as I get ready to head out.
Erin, who my family wants me to marry. Thank you for all your help.
Kim, thank you for making the effort to visit.
Joe and Sara, losing mom sucks, but it's brought us much closer. You guys are awesome. Also, thank you Sara for the naked girls in boots.
Elaine, thank you for making the effort when others didn't.
Ilsa, my mom loved the photoshop job. Since my mom hadn't had a solo portrait taken in years, she was very glad you could do this.
The students and mentors at Chief Sealth, thank you. You gave me something besides my own crap in which to participate. You are awesome as well. I so wish I could be there with you this year.
Janey and Jack, you kept my dad sane.
Retha, Joanne, Debbie and Melissa, you made my life, my dad's and my mom's so much better.
Mary Rebar and the ALSA, we couldn't have gone through this without you.
The staff at the_black_drop, thank you for being my second home for the last year.
Keenan, you didn't have to come. But you did.
Molly, you did more than you realize. You aren't Jason's little sister to me anymore.
Jason. You visited. You saw movies with me. You called. You answered the call. You moved me. You moved me back. You dragged others up to see me. You brought my grandparents. You stayed. Best friend ever.
And lastly, to end on a lighter note, thank you to all the women who wear awesome boots. Please continue to indulge me.