King Rat (gkr) wrote,
King Rat

The Maple Dell of '76: A Mother's Counsel

A Mother's Counsel

The eve before marriage a good mother said :
Adelia, wait longer; 'tis solemn to wed.
'Tis true there is beauty in his brilliant eyes,
He talk like a lover true, honest, and wise;
Yet you would be safe, Adelia, my child,
If you would reject him. This world is a wild
Of poor wedded people, who suffer and roam,
Devoid of the comforts and blessings of home.
Here rich fields are blooming with clover and wheat,
And our cellars are filled with plenty to eat;
'Twas here that you drew your first infantile breath;
And here you can live from your birth till your death.
This homestead your father provided for you
Will keep you in comforts as you journey through
The light and the shaow on life's human tide,
Let the silver bells ring for another his bride.
Poor people in trouble have come here for years;
Your father and I have both looked on their tears
And given them rations of nourishing food.
The farms are prolific, the orchards are good,
A marriage may bring you as lowly as these
To whom we have given the meat, bread, and cheese.
Look out on this valley where you have a share,
Broad acres yield for us enough and to spare.
Had I, like a gypsy, consented to roam,
In the desert might be your desolate home.

Oh, mother, I love him! Do, do let me go!
Without him my heart is an organ of woe.
Young Jurist is wooing so charming and bland,
Farewell to the orchards and fine cultured land
Please give your consent, and his fortunes I'll try,
He never will cause me to famish and sigh.
He's brave and he's handsome , the best one of all
The valiant coterie that ever did call.
My mind is fixed on him, and he is my choice,
Enraptured I listen to hear his dear voice.
He sings from best poets the sweetest of songs,
He never was guilty of criminal wrongs.
He loves from pure motives of honor and truth,
He says, We'll live happy as Boas and Ruth.

Though his words and his deeds seem genial and kind,
No friend like a mother a daughter can find.
Home comforts and blessings are treasures in store,
And loving ones faithful, why wish you for more?
The orchards have blossomed and fruitful the trees,
'Mid the chirping of birds and the humming of bees,
The hives flow with honey, and bowls flow with cream,
O why should a lawyer be your chosen theme?
Paths wind through the meadow and fine shady grove,
Your time is your own : you can work, read, or rove,
You can drive through the valley the sorrel or the bay,
Your marriage may banish home comforts away,
The garden is blooming to welcome your eyes,
And are you not happy 'neath bright smiling skies?

My present and future, for sorrow or weal,
Depends on Jurist; 'tis true love I feel.
His standard of virtue is noble and high,
Upon hum my future can safely rely.
'Tis true love illumines his dark flashing eyes,
And for me he's pleading with eloquent sighs,
Oh, mother, I know that he brings a good fate,
For me he has come from Pacific's gold State.
Oh, give your consent or the world will look drear,
Without him I'll languish 'mid blooming fields here

My child, you love deeply, I sigh a consent,
May God in his mercy pitch safely your tent!
'Tis sad for a mother when children depart,
The loved ones she nurtured upon her warm hear.
Maternal affection like mine suffers pain,
The thought of your welfare are filling my brain;
But as you're a captive and love is a snare,
I hope that your captor will give you good care.
Wherever you wander, wherever you stay,
Look upward for strength and remember to pray.

Tags: maple dell

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