King Rat (gkr) wrote,
King Rat

Other things in my mail

  • A letter from the IRS saying they have a half million dollar of unreported income for 2004 and that I need to file a response by July 12th. Oops. Better take care of this. Nope, I didn't have a half million of unreported income. I screwed up how I filed in both 2003 and 2004. When I fixed 2003, the IRS ended up owing me $18. They'll owe me for 2004 as well, but I guess I should take care of that quickly.
  • A wedding announcement for my cousing. I knew the wedding wasn't until August so I wasn't worrying about that.
  • My COBRA information. $340/month to continue the same coverage I had before. Good thing I paid my car off in May. I'll probably use COBRA for a few months in case I decide to take a job. If not, I'll start looking for cheaper major medical coverage in August or September.

There's still more in the pile.

And my power just went off for 3 seconds. Thank god for U.P.S.


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