Today's junk mail update:
National Register'sWHO'S WHOIn Executives and Professionalswww.nationalswhoswho.comThe Publisher for Executives, Professionals and Leading Businesses
Library of Congress Internatinal Standard Book Number: 0-9702264-3-8February 14, 2005Dear Philip A Weiss,
You may possibly appear in National Register's Who's Who in Executives and Professionals. Your information has been supplied to us by a reliable source and we need to conduct a brief interview with you to gather more information directly from you.
National Register's Who's Who in Executives and Professionals is a leader in the biographical publishing industry and very effective in recognizing people on various levels of success in a wide range of businesses. Each annual edition is registered in the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
Enclosed you will find your invitation which must be completed. Due to our firm publishing timetables, I would very much appreciate a quick response. If there are any errors in your above name or address, we will correct the error immediately upon receipt of your invitation. I also would like to emphasize, there are no annual dues or fees if you are included in the next edition.
Should you have any questions, please call us at 1(631) 422-1400 and a member of our editorial staff will assist you.
Respectfully yours,
John S. Milone,
President & CEONational Register's Who's Who in Executives and Professionals
400 Montauk Highway • Suite 103 • West Islip, NY 11795
Telephone: (631) 422-1400 • Fax: (631) 422-8751In the event of an error in the publication, the sole responsibility of National Register's Who's Who will be to correct such errors in succeeding editions of the same publication. National Register's Who's Who is not associated or affiliated with Marquis Who's Who, or any other publisher.
copyright 2000. all rights reserved. printed in the usa.
Oh, this is such a great honor! It's so amusing I don't even need to do a translation.