King Rat (gkr) wrote,
King Rat

  • Sprecher Brewery Ginger Ale - Another ginger brew with a strong bite. Lots of ginger flavor. But much smoother than the Red Rock.
  • Journey 'Olu 'Olu Ginger Brew Special Reserve - Probably my favorite ginger brew that I've tried. Supposedly made with Hawaiian ginger. I don't know if there really is a difference in ginger from Hawaii as opposed to ginger from other places on Earth. However, this brew has a strong ginger flavor, but little bite to it. It's very smooth with little after-taste. It's brewed with vanilla, and the vanilla extract is pretty strong. Also a hint of honey in it.
Tags: ginger brew

  • More ginger ales

    Health Valley Ginger Ale - This was in the cooler in the organic section at Larry's. It's labeled "Ginger Ale" in a plain style and you have to…

  • (no subject)

    had a few of the ginger ales. the quick review: Boylan's Ginger Ale - light with decent ginger flavor. Not much bite to it. nice summer ale.…

  • Ginger Brew, Part Deux

    Sorry about the title, I had to do it. Picked up five new brands of ginger brew/ale today. Watch this space for reviews of them as I drink. For…

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