King Rat (gkr) wrote,
King Rat

Test #5

Rocky Horror Picture Show

This is a test. Please view this entry from my Live Journal page, rather than through your friends list or the comments page. Let me know if it shows up like it is supposed to.

FYI, the "Rocky" text is supposed to show up in a dripping, Rocky style font. Unfortunately, I can't get it to work like it's supposed to. It only works if you have manually installed the font. The style sheet is supposed to cause your browser to download it from the web. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get it to do that. I dunno if I am doing something wrong, the browsers don't support @font-face all that well, or what. If you want to see it like it is supposed to look, install this font. Course, my test of auto-downloading won't work any more for you, but the text will look pretty.


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